Hello My Love!!!
Dah lama x update blog,
so today's entry will be a bit longer than usual.
Hope u don't mind, syg. Hehe.
This entry is about my school's carnival.
It's called Fiesta.
It's a learning carnival,
where the teachers use fun games to teach lessons.
The children are free to roam around the school
with their parents to try the games.

The Fiesta Balloon.
At the end of the day, I had so much fun
with some of the kids, popping the balloons.
We wish there were more balloons to pop,
but most of them had been brought home
by the children.
Nvm, next year, I will hide more balloons from the children.

Goodies in the canteen.
There's a lot of food and snacks in the canteen.
Got ice-cream, popcorn, waffles, etc.
But the one I wanna try that day
was this Cotton Candy.
Unfortunately, I was too busy that day.
Looking forward to next year's Fiesta.
I'll make sure I attack the Cotton Candy first.
: )
My two Pri 4 beauties with their cute face-paints.
So fun lor the face-paint, syg!
Got one boy, his WHOLE face covered
with Spiderman design.
I lupa ambil the photo pula.
I sempat ambil these two girls
because they were my assistants
for my game station.
Later I show syg my station. Hehe!

Cheap sale at the canteen.
All proceeds from the sale goes to the murid-murid
yang memerlukan. My sekolah mmg banyak murid-murid susah,
so baguslah ada jualan macam ni.
Boleh bantu they all.

Hahahaha! So kesian this boy.
He keep following me around to sell me his lollipop.
Me: Why do you think I'd want to buy them? Because I'm fat is it?
Boy: Err.. No, sir. I... I... umm...
So kesian him.
I want to buy from him,
but I left my wallet in the staff room.
So I told him to meet me at the staff room
after I'm done with my station.
But by the time, he'd finish selling all his lollipops already.
Too bad! Next year ok boy?
There's these two lovely girls who came to the staffroom,
to sell me their Chocolate Covered Marshmallows.
One piece for 50cents.
So I bought two.
But I didn't eat them. I gave them to the two girls.
Kesian them, surely they're tired from selling the marshmallows.
They were surprised,
but thanked me and happily ate the marshmallows.
: )
The Olympic Rings.
This is in one of the English Classroom.
I don't know how to play this game.
I didn't ask either.
I was on my way to my station at that time.
But it looked interesting lah,
that's why I took the picture.
Haha. This one I don't know what.
Looked like a casino, with the cards
and the teacher also looked like a crouper from Macau.

This is inside the Bahasa Melayu Classroom already.
Here is some children playing Uno Bahasa.
I don't know how to play it lah,
but the kids say just play it same like Uno,
but using bahasa words, etc.
: P
This game was done by another Cikgu lah, not me.
The kids looking at me as if I'm going to makan them.
Play lah! What look look?

This is another game. For Pri 1.
The Malay Department decided to concentrate on games
for the Pri 1 pupils this year.
So the games that we do caters for them,
to learn how to spell, create words, etc.
This one is interesting.
The teacher writes some sukukata on the board.
Then, the pupils were given a plastic magnetic dart
that could stick to the whiteboard.
Then the teacher will say "Bentuk perkataan ini: GULA."
Then the kid will take the dart, aim it at the sukukata,
and try to bentuk perkataan GULA lor.
Close up of two kids playing.
Hey! One of them is my assistant!
Now then I realise.
Bukannya nak tolong me, pergi main game pula! Ceh!
This is my game.
It's called "TWISTER ABJAD".
I show syg how to make first, then I show syg how to play.
First, print out letters of the alphabet on coloured papers.
Make sure syg hv several of the often-used letters,
like 'a', 'e', 'm', etc.

Then, syg use scotch tape to cantumkan the pieces together.
Cantumkan at the back lah, so nicer mah, kat depan x nmpk.

Several strips of the letters.
Put on my friend's table first.
My table no space. Hehe.
Thanks Mr.Chia! Sorry hor never ask permission first.
Too bad! Who ask you go home so early?

Once I'm done with the strips,
I cantumkan the strips together.
then I use a large plastic sheet to cover them.
The plastic sheet make it look nicer,
and also to protect it.
If not, sure koyak one.
Two kids playing.
Very easy to play:
Two or three players can play.
I tell Player One:
"Gunakan tangan kanan anda untuk sentuh huruf 'B'.
Then Player One will cari 'B' and say it out.
Then I do the same to Player Two and say out a different letter.
This is for murid2 lemah lah.
For murid2 yang more lihai,
I will ask them to spell out a short word with their hands and legs.
The kids liked it,
and my station got a lot of children beratur one lor.
Should ask them to pay,
then can make money. Hehe.
If syg rajin, syg do for CC lah.
Good learning game for her.
The end product.
See? The Twister mat become like belacan oredy.
Lucky got the plastic sheet lor.
If not, sure koyak one.
I had a lot of fun that day.
It was a month plus ago.
I saved the pics so that I can show syg in the blog.
Now then baru dapat post.
Hope syg had fun reading the blog and looking at the pics.
Wait we married ody, I bring syg to the Fiesta.
A lot of the teachers bring their spouses/ fiances/ partners.
Hope to bring syg one day.
Ok syg, that's the end of this looooong post.
Syg pun tgh tunggu kat YM tu.
See u at YM syg!
I Love You!!!