Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Darling Angel

My love..

U r my darling angel..

From the first day I opened up my heart to you, I have been awed by your beautiful love..

I feel so blessed to have you in my life..

I have never met anyone like you..

You truly are an angel, sent by God, to me..

I will always love you, cherish you, respect you,

and shower you with all the love that I have in my heart..

I'm counting down the moments till we meet again..

Though this distance between us is far, I'm confident we can make it through,

and that we will prove that true love will win in the end..

I will come for you, have you as my wife,

and we will live happily ever after..

Wait for me, syg... I'm coming...

1 comment:

  1. LOL syg!
    wat kind of photo is dat?? hehe..

    i'll wait for u syg! :)
