Sunday, June 6, 2010

Long Distance Movie Date

Hello My Love!!!
I had a nice time with you syg.
Enjoyed our long-distance movie date.
Lol, LTOC we both... haha
xpe la syg, ini pun jadi la ha..
wait we'll have our real movie date..
i miss u a lot my love..
cepat2 finish ur studies ok syg..
can't wait to come for u,
n start a new life together...
we'll live happily ever after syg,
forever n always..
i promise u..
Syg, too bad we can't watch the P.S. I Love You movie..
star movies nvr show lor.. it's showing Defiance..
syg see the pic.. i take from d tv..
xpe syg, next time ok..
syg slp ody?
i nk tdo ni syg...
see u again ok
i love u baby...
miss u so much...
sweet dreams!
Hugs n Kisses!!!

1 comment:

  1. ouhhh..ok syg...
    nvr mind love.we can watch it next time..
    d Hotel for Dogs oso very nice rite? hehe..
    it's another nice memory for us syg.. long distance movie date.. XD
    i miss u so much goin to game tonite.. :) a bit tired..
    forever and always..i love u.
