Monday, July 26, 2010

2nd Birthday Cake!!!

Hello My Love!!!

Syg, before you read this blog entry,

syg must read the one below this tau.

Because I'm writing a series of entries

about what happened the past few weeks.

This entry is about cake.

Specifically, birthday cake.

Remember my entry dat time, about the ice-cream cake

my mom buy for me?

Yeah, dis one is not ice-cream cake lah,

but still nice oso...

My colleagues at work buy for me...

Dat day I was doing my work in the staff room,

den skali dis Cikgu Majidah come to my table and tell me

must go to the staff lounge for meeting.

So I go lor...skali ada surprise pula...hehe

They are very nice people. I feel very welcomed in this school.

Even though it's very far from my house,

I feel happy and at home here.

Oh yah, this is the birthday cake. hehe...

and this one below is my slice...

the rest share2 lah with the other teachers...

but still tak abes.. still got a lot...

so give to the pupils inside the staff room yang kena punish.. berbaloi they all, kena punish that day,

tapi dapat cake...haha

takpe, skali je..

Syg, mana syg pergi ni?

Kata nak YM Date?

I masuk YM, syg ada, tapi syg x reply pun..

syg go to the CC meeting is it?

hmmm... xpe lah...

besok pun boleh...

I nak sleep ni...

dah bedtime.

So for tonite, just these two entries je k..

Tomorrow I will try and blog some more, insyAllah..

Good nite my love...

Sweet dreams...

I Love You

*hugggsss & kisssessss*



  1. wahhhhhhhhhhhhh! so nice ur blog baby! =)
    the cake mcm yummy je..hehe.. so nice the teachers there. glad to noe syg happy. :)

    sorry syg,after cc meeting got birthday celebration. these days so many ppl celebrate birthday.hehe..
    so bad x dpt ym date with syg. its ok syg.
    c u very soonnnn! XD

  2. yah i noe syg.. i see u n sureen change background, i oso cannot lose out..kiasu mah..haha
    yah syg, im happy.. but i'll be happier next week..wen i finally get to see u...hehehe
    cant wait!!!
