Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I am SOOOO into YOU

I am deeply and hopelessly in love with you.
Ur patience and kindness caught my heart,
just as much as your big, sparkly eyes
and red, kissable lips caught my eye.
I've never planned to fall in love with you.
I never thought that the quiet girl in class
could speak so loudly in my mind.
Slowly, but surely, you found a way into my heart.
And I'm never letting you out.
We've had our fair share of ups and downs.
More ups than downs to me;
you've always made me happy.
You always know how to make me smile.
I am happiest when you're by my side.
Here's to us, syg.
I love you.
Forever and Always.

1 comment:

  1. omg! so pretttyyyyyyy the indian girl! omg omg!
    don't lose her okay? *winks*
    copycat la u syg! kita he's just not that into u. dia pulak im so into u! copycat ah!hehe!

    thanks for loving me baby boo. the best thing about me is you syg! i have never been so happy. I adore you, I love you. thanks for this sweet entry. Ur the best love! =)
